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COLL 101 -- College Success

Research Strategy

Research Strategy

  1. Use government websites like O*Net and Occupational Outlook Handbook to find basic information about your potential career, including job skills, education needed, job market growth, income, etc. If you know what job you want to explore (i.e. physical therapist), try O*Net first. If you want to browse career fields (i.e., health care), try Occupational Outlook Handbook first.
  2. Search the library's book catalog (for print books on the shelf) or ebook collections (for ebooks) to find books about your career. 
  3. Use Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile), Vocational Studies Premier (Wilson/EBSCO), or Gale Power Search to find magazine or newspaper articles related to your career. Be sure to use at least two keywords to search for articles.


Search for Print Books @ the Eshleman Library

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You can try searching these other local libraries as well:

eBook Collections for Careers

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