Before you search, make a list of keywords to use when looking for books and articles. Use the following tips to come up with your list:
It's time to plug your keywords into the search box and see what happens! Try using the following strategies to get the best results:
When doing basic research, you can follow these steps. If you would like Librarian assistance, you can Live Chat with a librarian during regular library hours. You can also submit an email question at any time, and a librarian will respond within two business days.
Step One: Choose your Topic.
If you haven't already decided on a topic, you would need to do so before running any searches.
Step Two: Figure out Search Terms
Once you have a topic, you will want to figure out how your topic translates into "keywords" or "search strategies".
Step Three: Background Information and eBooks
If you don't know very much about your topic, it can be useful to get some background information before looking for articles. It can also be useful to look at books before articles when doing research. Books are good for getting an overview of a topic and provide a lot of information in one place. Try these for background information or for finding eBooks:
Step Four: Find Articles using your Keywords
When are ready to search for your articles, take your list of keywords and head to the library's Research Databases. The Featured Databases list is a great place to start for any topic. You can also click on the Subjects drop-down menu to find databases that work best for your topic. Otherwise, try one of these broad databases and use your list of keywords to search:
Wilson/EBSCO Databases (Select all the databases to search at once and remember to limit to "Full Text")
Step Five: Cite your Sources
For help citing your sources try: