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Nursing (NSG)

Nursing research and resources.

When running a search in CINAHL for this assignment, you will need to use "Limiters".

For the NSG 117 assignment, you will need to limit to the following:
  • Full Text
  • Peer Reviewed
  • less than 5 years old
  • U.S.A.
  • Nursing journal (specifically a nursing publication)


Step 1:Type a topic (preferably something popular in the nursing field) in the search bar.

Step 2:Limit to "Full Text" and "Peer Reviewed".

(See screen shot below for examples for steps 1 & 2)

Step 3: After you search, do the remaining limiters by clicking on "All filters".


Step 4: Filter by Publication Date of "Past 5 years".

Step 5: Filter by Publication. Choose only those with "Nurse" or "Nurses" or "Nursing" in the titles of the journal.


Step 6: Filter by Geography to "USA"

Step 7: Click Apply. Then review the results. Make sure you choose an Original Research Study.