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General Information

Damaged items

The library will assess damage to an item (due to water, stains, tears, chewed or other damage beyond expected wear and tear), and if the item is no longer in good enough condition to circulate, a library user will be charged for its replacement. Once paid, the item belongs to the library user.

In most circumstances, the library does not accept replacement items for lost or damaged material. 

Missing items

Notices are sent at regular intervals to inform library users when materials are due. After four notices, or 28 days past an item's original due date, a library item is considered missing and a bill will be issued for its replacement. 

Again, in most circumstances, the library will not accept replacement items for billed items. 

Claims returned items

Any library item that a student, faculty, or staff member claims has been returned to the Eshleman Library but is still shown on their CLARA library account can be determined by a staff member as "claims returned."

Searches will be conducted to try and locate the item and also clear it from an individual's library account. In the event that the library item is not located, the library user will be notified and they will no longer be responsible for the item. Each library user is granted one "claims returned." Subsequent items will be the financial responsibility of the library user.

Please contact the Circulation Desk at (313) 845-9606 with any questions.